ASP.NET Web Forms Applications

This section contains supplementary material to stupport students in completing software development units as part of an HND/HNC or Extended National Diploma in Computing

  1. Creating a Web Forms Application using Visual Studio and .NET Framework 4.5 and adding an SQL Server database
  2. Adding a SQLDataSource and creating a suitable query
  3. Adding a GridView and configuring it to include Edit, Select, Sort and Delete operations
  4. Adding a DetailsView to include Insert, Edit and Delete.
  5. Adding controls to provide client side data validation on grids and forms
  6. Adding drop down lists to improve the user interface.
  7. How to configure the project to use an SQL Server Express database file for user logins and authentication.
  8. Modifying the default Master page, css and the web pages to match your orignal design.
  9. Using HTML5 and CSS3 to enhance the web pages

Web Forms Index